Origins of Wedding Traditions: Apparel

Origins of Wedding Traditions: Apparel

Apparel Traditions

White Wedding Dress Bella Wedding Shop Wedding Gown Necessities

Tradition states that the bride should never make her own dress, that the final stitch should not be completed until she is departing for the Church and that she should never try on the entire outfit before the day. This was because it was felt dangerous for the Bride to count her chickens.

First story: White was the happy color for the tradition that dates back to the early Greeks

Second story: Ann of Brittany popularized the white gown in 1499. Before this time a woman wore any nice dress she owned.

Third story: Long ago the traditional color of the bridal gown was red or another bright color. The wife of Napoleon III changed the tradition and wore a white gown. After that bride’s wore white gowns (that were only worn once) as a symbol of their wealth.

Fourth story: In 1840, Queen Victoria wore an elegant all white gown to her wedding. She started a fashion trend, which quickly caught on and continues to this very day.

Married in White, you have chosen right
Married in Grey, you will go far away,
Married in Black, you will wish yourself back,
Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,
Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,
Married in Blue, you will always be true,
Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,
Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,
Married in Brown, you will live in the town,
Married in Pink, you spirit will sink.

(When a girl 'had a green gown' it implied that she was of loose morals, her dress was grass-stained due to rolling around in the fields!)

The veil- Bella Wedding Shop Headpieces

Traditionally, brides have been thought to be particularly vulnerable to evil spirits and many of the customs and traditions associated with weddings are to provide protection. The veil was originally worn by Roman brides. It was thought that it would disguise the bride and therefore outwit malevolent spirits.

The veil became popular in Britain in the eighteen hundreds. In this country it is associated with modesty and chastity.

The groom was not to see in, and the bride could not see out, this is the reason for the father to escort the bride down the aisle and give her to the groom.

The tradition for the groom to "veil the bride" seems to have started when, in the Bible story, Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah (The older sister) when he was really in love with Rachel. It was the custom for the daughters to be wed in order according to their ages. Bella Wedding Shop has the perfect veil for you.

Garter- Garters by the Bella Wedding Shop

The garter is placed on the bride’s right leg, just above the knee. Throwing the garter first began in France when pieces of the bridal attire were considered lucky. The bride would throw the garter to the guests at the wedding and whoever caught it could expect good fortune.

14th century brides would toss the garter to the unmarried men at the wedding party. The men would sometimes try to remove it themselves; this started the tradition of the groom removing it at throwing it to the bachelors at the wedding. The man who catches it is thought to be the next to marry. At some weddings the man who catches the garter will place it on the leg of the lady who caught the bouquet or they may start the next dance. It is also common for the recipients of the bouquet and garter to have a photograph taken with the bride and groom. Often the bride chooses to wear both a garter to throw as well as a garter that she can keep. The Bella Wedding Shop will give you a "throwing" garter with the purchase of a "keepsake" garter.

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Origins of Wedding Traditions
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